Dear Lily, Dear Andre,

Dear Lily, Dear Andre,

I’m back in Beijing after wonderful days with you in Cambodia. What you showed us and let us experience was beyond of all my expectations. I watched Tomb Raider again and must say that now, only a few hours after we had been to the places, the scenery impresses even more. Hope that we will meet soon and again and again.

Have kind regards to your wonderful family and take care!

Alfred, China


Cambodian Travel Partner
Alfred, China


I’m back in Beijing after wonderful days with you in Cambodia. What you showed us and let us experience was beyond of all my expectations. I watched Tomb Raider again and must say that now, only a few hours after we had been to the places, the scenery impresses even more. Hope that we will meet soon and again and again. Have kind regards to your wonderful family and take care!

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